Where do your precious gems come from?

Where do your precious gems come from?

Gemstones can come with a load of social and environmental issues, including child and forced labour. with no current established bodies that can trace the gemstone supply chain from mine to market, the transparent ethical sourcing of gemstones is extremely difficult. Gemstones, have complex supply chains because they are usually mined, cut, and traded in different countries.

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Sustainable fashion- fast fashion be gone!
Ola McGhee Ola McGhee

Sustainable fashion- fast fashion be gone!

Fast fashion is detrimental to the environment and humans. Manufacturing these cheap garments is one of the highest polluting industries and landfill isn’t the only environmental aspect affected. Clothing manufacturing relies on a vast amount of resources, water for example. Behind the environmental impact is the human impact- to keep up with the demand, workers are paid low wages, work long hours and in poor conditions- modern day slave labour. So how can we together work towards fair and sustainable fashion?

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