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The Problematic Nature of the Clean Girl Aesthetic: A Closer Look at Exclusivity and Inclusivity

Picture this. You're cruising through the glossy lanes of Instagram, sipping on your matcha, when thousands of images screaming 'clean girl aesthetic' flood your feed. Oozing an ideal blend of minimalism, natural beauty, and a carefully curated lifestyle. It's enticing, isn't it? But hold on to your reusable cup for a tick. It's time to take a closer look, through a lens of inclusivity, at this popular but potentially problematic ethos.

Defining the Clean Girl Aesthetic

Let's define terms first, like a scrabble game with a higher purpose. The clean girl aesthetic is born out of minimalist principles and nods respectfully towards natural beauty – think crisp white linens, dewy complexions, and a lifestyle as purified as a piece of handcrafted, sustainable jewellery. Note, it's more than just an Instagram filter, it's a complete mindset that paints a picture-perfect life canvas.

The Problem of Exclusivity

But just like that necklace you love but can only afford in your dreams, this aesthetic can be frustratingly exclusive. Perfection, privilege, and consumerism serve as its foundation, willfully ignoring anyone unable to keep up with its meticulous standards. Not all of us wake up to sun-dappled mornings in aesthetic apartments daily, do we, my lovelies?

Lack of Diversity and Representation

Also, where are all my beautifully diverse ladies in these aesthetic frames? The world isn't just one size, or one skin tone, is it? Unintentionally perhaps, this aesthetic mostly features slim, privileged women, leaving out a dazzling array of different body types, people of colour, and those beautifully unique individuals living with disabilities. This stark lack of diversity can dangerously affect our self-esteem, stir up body image anxieties, and warp societal beauty ideals. Quite the pickle, wouldn't you say?

Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes

Here comes the fun part: gender stereotypes. The clean girl aesthetic whispers a subtle recap of traditional gender roles and expectations. It's like adding a teaspoon of sugar to a perfectly bitter espresso — unnecessary, outdated, and it ruins the strong, authentic flavour! The stakes become even higher when this aesthetic pressures women to conform, potentially limiting self-expression and autonomy.

Promoting Inclusivity and Alternatives

But, as Emma Watson once wisely said, "if not me, who? If not now, when?" We, as women, have the power to promote a more inclusive clean girl aesthetic. We can create our definitions of beauty, recommending vibrant shades of humanity in our aesthetic palette. We can challenge stereotypes, champion diversity, and savour authenticity! So, make room in your feed for rawness, naturalness, and inclusivity. Ladies, it's time to redefine your aesthetic, on your terms.


In a nutshell, the clean girl aesthetic, while appealing on the surface, opens up a Pandora's box of exclusivity, lack of diversity, and stereotyping. But fear not, my queens, for you hold the power to question, rethink, and redefine this aesthetic according to your beautifully unique views. Remember, we're not just the audience in this grand theatre of aesthetics. We're scriptwriters too. Now, let's rewrite the definition of beauty in a language that we genuinely understand and love.

So, next time you scroll, ask yourself – Does this aesthetic serve me, or am I serving it? After all, life’s too short for unrealistic Instagram filters. Keep it real, keep it you, and let's skip towards a more inclusive aesthetic, hand in hand.